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Make the Best Mini Power Supply With XYS3580 Module

 A voltage regulator power supply is a very useful device for those who love to make and DIY electronic devices.

You can use it to test electronic components: LEDs, motors, sensors...

Therefore, today I will share with everyone how to make a multi-function power supply with module XYS3580.


Necessary Parts:

- XYS3580:


- DC input Jack (5.5 x 2.1mm)


- DC Switch


- Wiring


- 3D printed box (*.STL files) | My Design


Step 1: 3D Design & Print

3D Design & Print
3D Design & Print

I'm design the box with Fusion 360, and then print it with 3D Printer (Ender 3 V2 Pro)

Step 2: Assembly All the Parts

Assembly All the Parts
Assembly All the Parts
Assembly All the Parts
Assembly All the Parts

You can using AC Adapter for INPUT (3v-36v DC).

After that, adjustment the Volt/Ampe with module XYS3580 as you want in OUTPUT.

Step 3: Finish & Testing

Finish & Testing
Finish & Testing
Finish & Testing
Finish & Testing

I'm using hot glue to connect the cover (you can using screw, strong glue...or anything as you want), and then quick test it with a green LED (3v).

Hope you enjoy, thanks!

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